Layer 2扩容方案对比——Optimistic Rollup与ZK Rollup




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Layer 2 scalability solutions like Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups are key in addressing the scalability challenges of blockchain networks. Optimal Rollups focus on scalability while maintaining decentralization through fraud proofs. They are utilized in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

ZK Rollups prioritize privacy and efficiency by leveraging zero-knowledge proofs. They find applications in NFT marketplaces, gaming platforms, and supply chain management systems. Evaluating factors such as security, privacy, efficiency, and smart contract flexibility is crucial in determining the most suitable Layer 2 scalability solution for a specific use case. As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, both Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups contribute to the advancement of scalable and efficient blockchain networks.


In the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape, scalability has emerged as a critical challenge. To overcome the limitations of Layer 1 blockchains like Ethereum, Layer 2 scalability solutions have gained prominence. Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups have emerged as popular approaches among these solutions. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of these solutions, and their working mechanisms, and highlight the key differences between them.

What Is a Layer 2 Blockchain?

Before exploring Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups, let's grasp the concept of a Layer 2 blockchain. Layer 2 solutions are designed to address the scalability issues of Layer 1 blockchains by creating secondary frameworks on top of the main blockchain. These solutions enable faster and more cost-effective transactions.

Layer 2 scalability solutions achieve this by processing a batch of transactions off-chain and submitting only the final outcome to the main blockchain. This approach significantly reduces congestion and lowers transaction fees. By offloading the computational burden, Layer 2 solutions enhance the transaction capacity of blockchain networks.

How Do Layer 2 Scalability Solutions Work?

Layer 2 scalability solutions employ different mechanisms to enhance blockchain scalability. Scalability, in the context of Layer 2 scaling solutions, refers to the ability of blockchain networks to handle a significantly larger volume of transactions and process them more efficiently. Layer 2 solutions are designed to enhance scalability by processing transactions off-chain and submitting summarized data to the main blockchain. This approach reduces congestion, improves transaction throughput, and lowers fees, enabling blockchain networks to accommodate a more extensive user base and support a wider range of applications without compromising security or decentralization.

Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups are two prominent approaches, each with its own unique characteristics.

Optimal Rollups Optimal Rollups, also known as Optimistic Rollups, prioritize scalability without compromising on decentralization. This solution utilizes fraud proofs to ensure the security of off-chain transactions.

Optimal Rollups process transactions off-chain and bundle them into a rollup. The rollup contains compressed information about the transactions, which is periodically submitted to the main blockchain. This submission includes a Merkle root, a cryptographic proof summarizing the rollup's contents.

Following the rollup submission, a challenge period ensues, during which anyone can submit fraud proofs if they suspect any invalid transaction. If no fraud proofs are presented within the challenge period, the rollup is deemed valid, and the transactions are finalized on the main blockchain.

ZK Rollups ZK Rollups, or Zero-Knowledge Rollups, employ a different approach to achieve scalability. This solution relies on zero-knowledge proofs, a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove the validity of certain information without revealing the underlying data.

In ZK Rollups, transactions are processed off-chain and compressed into a proof. This proof, accompanied by a Merkle root, is then submitted to the main blockchain. Unlike Optimal Rollups, ZK Rollups do not require a challenge period because the zero-knowledge proofs ensure the validity of all transactions.

ZK Rollups offer distinct advantages in terms of privacy and efficiency. By verifying the validity of proofs instead of individual transactions, the main blockchain experiences reduced computational overhead, resulting in faster and more cost-effective transactions.

What Is Being Built On Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups?

Both Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups have gained significant attention and adoption within the blockchain ecosystem. Various applications are being developed on these Layer 2 scalability solutions.

Optimal Rollups find particular suitability in use cases that prioritize decentralization. Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols such as decentralized exchanges and lending platforms are leveraging Optimal Rollup solutions. These applications benefit from improved scalability while maintaining the security and trustlessness associated with blockchain technology.

Conversely, ZK Rollups excel in scenarios that require privacy and efficiency. They are being adopted in applications such as non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces, gaming platforms, and supply chain management systems. The privacy-preserving nature of ZK Rollups protects user information and ensures the integrity of sensitive data.


In the quest for blockchain scalability, Layer 2 solutions have emerged as powerful tools to overcome the limitations of Layer 1 blockchains. Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups have become prominent players in this space, offering distinct approaches to enhance transaction throughput and reduce costs.

Optimal Rollups provide scalability while maintaining decentralization through the use of fraud proofs. They find applications in decentralized finance and other use cases where decentralization is a critical factor. On the other hand, ZK Rollups prioritize privacy and efficiency by leveraging zero-knowledge proofs. They are well-suited for applications that require transaction finality and strong privacy guarantees.

Choosing between Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups depends on the specific requirements of the use case. Factors such as security, privacy, efficiency, and smart contract flexibility need to be carefully considered. Both solutions contribute to the advancement of scalable and efficient blockchain networks, offering solutions for different scenarios within the blockchain ecosystem.

As the technology continues to evolve, Layer 2 scalability solutions will play a crucial role in expanding the possibilities of blockchain applications. By addressing scalability challenges, these solutions pave the way for widespread adoption and usher in a new era of decentralized and efficient digital systems. Whether it's Optimal Rollups or ZK Rollups, these Layer 2 solutions offer promising avenues for building a more scalable and secure blockchain ecosystem.




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