23-10-27 16:57:41
什么是DeFi? 带你一起了解他的优点和弱点!
DeFi refers to decentralized finance, a new financial service created using blockchain technology.As its n... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:39
ZK Rollup五大生态项目详解
【TR; DR】ZK Rollup通过将多笔交易捆绑到单个证明中,为区块链网络提供可扩容和安全的解决方案,从而减少拥塞和交易成本。它们有各种各样的用例,包括去中心化的交换、游戏和支付。Mina协议、Dusk网络、... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:37
TL;DROn July 24, 2023, Worldcoin token economics was officially announced. At the same time, multiple exch... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:34
【TR; DR】受重大事件和市场动态的影响,瑞波币(XRP)在加密货币市场上有着不稳定的历史过往。SEC正在对Ripple Labs提起诉讼,监管不确定性给XRP的价格趋势带来了挑战。来自其他加密货币的竞争以及加... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:32
Layer 2扩容方案对比——Optimistic Rollup与ZK Rollup
【TR; DR】Layer 2 scalability solutions like Optimal Rollups and ZK Rollups are key in addressing the scalab... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:31
[TL; DR]Since the overall surge in the crypto market in the first quarter of this year and gaining market... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:29
friend.tech之后,Base 生态还有能打的吗?
1 Base Ecosystem OverviewAs an L2 project launched by the mainnet in less than two months, Base has a traf... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:27
L2 Stacks趋势崛起,ARB 、OP谁将胜出?
What is a Software Stack?Blockchain DAPP is entering the Rollup era, and the Ethereum mainnet is gradually... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:25
[TL;DR]比特币的基本面有很多,比如现货比特币 ETF 申请、明年 4 月份减半、美联储利率决议等,但被市场更为广泛接受的还是比特币的挖矿成本价。基本面趋好的加密市场还并没迎来宽裕的资金支撑,由于今年加密市... [阅读更多]
23-10-27 16:57:23
[TL;DR]:Tellor 在预言机赛道市值仅次于 Chainlink,其优点是更加去中心化,业务处于一个稳定的运营周期,尚没有明显的技术创新或融资活动等新叙事。因 TRB 现货量持续收缩,看涨的投资者通过持续买入... [阅读更多]